Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Journey Home

The team is en route to Brussels after a very busy day beginning with one final medical camp, time to say goodbyes to now dear friends, shopping in Chennai and eating at Pizza Hut and then heading to the airport where a contingent of Good Shepherd family waited with them until they went through the doors. I spoke with Dean before they were getting on the plane (1:00 this afternoon - 12:30 AM Chennai) and they were all doing well.  Scheduled arrival home to KC is 7:00 PM tomorrow evening....they cannot wait to share their stories and the joy of this trip. Please continue to pray for their safe travel.

"The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore." ~Psalm 121:8 KJV

Sharing with Friends

The team gave clothes and blankets to all the children and elderly. They prepared a meal for all the children, elderly and staff at the mission and several from the area. After serving everyone they sat and ate with their friends,thanking them for their care over the past two weeks.

It is Thursday evening in Puttur and the team is in Chennai heading for the airport in a while to begin the journey home.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


From Dean (as I post this the team is serving a banquet to all who come from Puttur and surrounding villages):

"Well a group of six intrepid hikers (5 guys and Kelsey) arose early to hike "The Rock." I think the five guys were blessed by Kelsey's presence. We left the mission building around 6:30am and headed to the summit with several of the mission guys and a container of tea. The hike was about 30 minutes. The day is a little overcast but the views from the top were awesome. Brother Chad provided the morning repast on the top....

Snickers bars for everyone (I love that guy). What could be better, Snickers, tea, good friends and a great view. Great start to the day. We are not going to the Hindu temple (Thiramala?). We decide to stay here go to the bone setters, the HIV/AIDS center and hang with the kids while the banquet is being prepared.

Henry asked if we wanted to add another medical camp. Tomorrow morning we will be have a camp at the mission and then leave for Chennai. Again, this is possible because of the funds to buy vaccine, meds and pay for the Physician time. Thank you to all who support this trip and the mission.

The team has become very close to the kids at the mission and to the staff. There will be more than a few tears shed tonight and tomorrow as we leave. I cry every time. I know it is coming and yet it hits me like a ton of bricks. I know that we are being blessed by them as much as we are serving them. It is easy to feel the presence of God in this place. The smiles on the kids, the laughter from everyone say it all. Henry and the mission seldom miss an opportunity to share the love of Jesus in the small corner of the world. It has been an honor to share this trip with 10 other individuals. I have seen team members stop and pray for villagers on the street of Kolladam, play with children with complete abandon, and comfort a crying child at a medical camp. Our Sunday devotion was about Christ telling Peter to "feed my sheep." I have no doubt that we are indeed doing our best to fullfill that command. May God guide and protect us in the last two days. "

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Church at Yanadavetu - Built in Memory of David Miller

From Kelsey Stephens:

"Last night we went to the church that was built in 2008 in honor of David Miller from Wyatt Park Christian Church.  I grew up knowing David from WPCC and was with the team when the church was dedicated.  When we arrived, I assumed that we would only be there for a few minutes; long enough for the team to look around and meet the evangelist.  But when we arrived we were ushered inside and seated at the front of the room.  The door was left open and slowly people from the village started to make their way in to sit on the floor.  Brother Dean was beckoned to give a short message, and while he was speaking I kept my eyes on the door and watched as villagers came in every few minutes to listen.  Several of the mothers in the crowd had their babies and small children with them.  As I was watching I kept thinking about the open door and how eager people were to come in and hear a message.  It is my hope that as those babies grow up and as new babies are born in that village, that the door to Brother David's church is always open and as welcoming as it was last night, and that the messages shared speak of God's open heart and his eagerness to be in relationship with his people.  It was a humbling experience to be part of the team that dedicated the church, and to be back there two years later to see the good work that is happening for the people of that village."

Faces of India

So many images of children of God whom we go to serve. These are just a few of those who came for treatment and for care.

Then Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them. For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." ~Matthew 19:14

Medical Camp at Motor Vehicle Inspection Office

Picture with the Americans

Waiting to be treated

Kelsey, Ashley, Tina and Heather

School at Kolladam

School Yard

Outdoor Classroom
Indian School Room
The Kolladam medical camp was held at a rural school close to the village.  The pictures give a good visual of an Indian school.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Flex and Flow

Monday was a very long day.  The team went to Kolladam to do a short medical camp at a small rural school. After visiting in Kolladam, the team was scheduled to attend a ceremony at a seminary about three hours from the mission.  Henry has been honored with an honorary doctorate from that school.  Because of some political unrest in the area Henry decided not to and they stopped by a roadside cafe on the way back to the mission.  They were supposed to return quite late and though it was not the midnight return time, they were all still quite ready to relax.

From all reports, everyone is doing well.  It is Tuesday morning in Puttur right now and Chad made the comment that he does not think the team realizes they have two more full days at the mission before leaving for Chennai on Thursday.  That has not sunk in yet....

Pictures tomorrow!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday evening the team gave a meal to all the children, elderly and poor in the Puttur area and fed approximately 200 people. Gary began Sunday morning with a devotion on the following call from Christ:

" When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” “Yes, Lord,” he said, “you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my lambs.” "
~John 21:15

The team then spent Sunday morning at a medical camp, which was re-scheduled due to their delayed arrival.

Villagers queue to register for the medical camp

Ashley loads a syringe

Madison's turn to hold

Chad plays with the children in the village

The team also had opportunity to shop and have some down time in the afternoon on Sunday.  All the members have been measured and fitted for new Indian clothes as a gift from the mission.

Kelsey picks up a few things in K&L Textiles, downtown Puttur

Chad receives a shave