Monday, January 23, 2012

At Frankfurt Airport

As we are waiting to board the final leg of this incredible journey, we would like to share with you a few final thoughts and laughs that will always bond our group-- -always knowing when the shot ladies have begun the inoculations because the screaming begins -the introduction of Sister Sue and Sister Sue who always seemed to sit next to each other for introductions so Pastor Paradise called them Double Sue -when Sue Yoch was no where to be found you just looked for where the children had gathered -the men took longer to choose the material for their shirts and pants than the women did for their chuttidahs -chicken for every lunch & dinner -children screaming when they saw a white woman then you knew they had received a shot already -Sam knew how to fix John's watch such as turn OFF the alarm and set all the functions so John gave it to him -the man in red at the Kolladam camp who was the clinic caretaker gave Jay a scoop of water from the bucket (not so clean!!!) to rinse a patient's mouth -Jill's overflow moment after listening to the stories at the HIV/AIDS clinic -the GP (husband of the gyn doctor) thought Helen was 70 years old because she dyed her hair blond-excuse me, it's gray!!

-watching the eyes of the newbies on the first two days when driving in the van -the competitiveness of Diane & Vicky in the lion & goat game -the men had something thumping above their ceiling tiles and Henry said,"oh yes Brother, it is a squirrel.". The next morning they told Praveen about the thumping and he said, "oh yes Brother, it is a rat!"

-Joy told Vicky that she had small hair

-Steph and her counting of mosquito bites-71 -Sue Werner's personal eye appt with the hospital eye doctor --and last but not least, Sagar shared with us that there is a God called Murgan-the God of stink!

We will be home soon!!=

Passage John 3:16:
16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

At the Chennai Airport

Good-bye at the airport!

Last Day in India

Last night the girls decorated our hands and feet with henna. It was a very late night. We struggled to get up but the girls were bright eyed!!  We learned that sleep for them is maybe 6-7 hours.
We left the mission after Mary's wonderful breakfast and chai tea.  All the children and staff were there and we prayed!!  Everyone shook our hands knew some of our names, and said, "safe journey sister or safe journey brother.". Amidst tears we boarded the van to Bro Paradise's church. What a celebration!!  The congregation really worshipped with their voice and lots of energy!!


 We went to Vadamala Pet, John Wesley's church for worship. Pastor Daniel brought some of his parishioners.  Pastor Daniel's son was amazing on the drums!!!

Pastor Bern has become quite animated in his messages!! 

We then played with the children in the afternoon. Lots of fun!! 

In the evening, gifts were distributed to the children. The older children received clipboards and pens from Pastor Bern & Vicky to use for their exams.  Sue Yoch, Morgan, & Stephanie brought all sorts if gifts--bubbles, pencils, note pads, balls, hair ties, hair clips, puzzles--the children had fun picking from the suitcase!! 

 The children and their gifts!!

We helped the children make Jesus bracelets. Each color represented symbols of Jesus' love. Red is Jesus' blood, black is sin, white is purity, green is growth of the spirit, and yellow is for heaven. The children had a blast!! 

Jesus bracelet