Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Violent weather at Good Shepherd Mission April 2011

Severe Weather and Damage at Mission!

We received word yesterday, April 5, 2011, that there had been an extremely violent storm in Puttur, Andra Pradesh where Good Shepherd is located. The damage to buildings, trees, power, and water is quit severe. There appears to be extensive damage to trees and consequently to power lines. No one at the mission was hurt, although quit shaken. We are encouraging our friends and the friends of Good Shepherd to consider making an extra gift to the mission for the purpose of repairs to the mission buildings and infrastructure. If you have any questions please call Wyatt Park Christian Church in St Joseph, MO.  As always, 100 percent of all gifts will go directly to the misison. I will attach the email that I received from Henry. Pictures are below.

Dear Brothers and sisters, Blessings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,I wish to inform you of an incident that happened yesterday Monday 4th April.we had very severe and heavy Rain and Winds. At the mission we had SEVERE WINDS/RAIN and caused much damage to the hospital, Van (Dr.Charles), mission house, girls home etc;
1.The front portion of the Van ha been damaged…

2. Part of the hospital in patient’s ward has been damaged, the doors , Windows were broken because of the severe wind and fall down and brokenToilet door broken, dental room door broken and clapsed.
3.In the mission House upstairs roof/ceiling and rooms damaged.
4.No electricity….No water….some cell phone towers not in use.
5.A big neem tree in front of girls’s home fall down.
6.The newly repaired toilets and bath room roof at girls home fall down due to wind
7.Everyone is safe by the GRACE of God.This is for your kind information
Please keep us in Prayers.
God Bless you
Yours in Christ,


Pictures of Mission and Hospital Damage
The 100 year old mission house took a beating as did the hosptial.

Downed Power Lines and Trees
Damage to the roof of the Dining Porch and Water Tank