Monday, June 16, 2008

Indian Transportation Systems

India has a broad array of transportation options. Erin visited her Uncle in Chennai for a weekend. Auto Rickshaw was the mode of transportation in the city. The three wheeled motorcycles have two-stroke engines and are ever present throughout most towns and cities. Henry sent his brother, Annand, to escort her back to Puttur. They traveled the 70-80 miles back to Puttur on a third class train ride.

Erin describes her experinece,
Picture 1 -- what it looks like from the inside of an Auto Rickshaw. I always wanted to take one, and now I have. In fact, they were our main mode of transportation in Chennai Picture 2 -- The train station in Chennai. I have also always wanted to take a train, and here it is. Picture 3 -- Anand and me on the train. You can contrast Anand's feelings about the train with my feelings about the train via the looks on our faces. I got a window seat! (Don't think we didn't have to fight for it.) Picture 4 -- This is what it looks like on an Indian Train. It's not quite like the movie "Darjeeling Lmtd." but then, we rode 3rd class.

O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! Psalm 8:9 (NIV)