Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The clinic has been very busy as has the hospital. The students are having an opportunity to treat all ages- which is unlike other clinicals they would experience. So many concerns. One young man had a truck accident and can walk but has little use of his feet. He is 24. He is staying at the hospital the entire time the group is here because the therapy gives him function and hope.

So many with back problems and other ailments that do not require surgery but therapy is so helpful. The supplies you gathered are so helpful. Sagar (an Indian PT) was telling us that even Terraputi PT clinics are not so nice. The team being here is helping to get the word out that this service being offered.

One of the families they are treating has Huntington's Disease which is a genetic disorder. Many in the family are affected. The team is helping the chldren and we are invited to their house for tea today as a thanks. Maureen has only ever seen one case in the US and here is an entire family. The students are getting a range of experience. Of course, no technology and much is done by hand and if the patients schedule a time it might be today or tomorrow when they show up.
It is hot - yesterday was pretty miserable in the afternoon. and of course, the current went out. However we are sleeping comfortably which makes a huge difference. We mightdo some shopping this afternoon.