Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Our First Day

Our first medical camp was held at GSM. The lobby was filled with people waiting to see doctors.

Robin (left photo) and Morgan (right photo) did a great job of 80 hepatitis B shots. As you can see, Diann had her hands full with some of the children. Diann took over the baby holding job after Helen got peed on by a very unsatisfied recipient!!!!!

Tuesday is eye surgery. These patients are in recovery after cataract surgery. Family members come to help with their after care.

The team worked great this morning. Pete took video, Jen, Stacie, Deb, and Doug filled syringes. Tara kept a tally of how many shots were administered.

After the shots, we toured the hospital-- patients were seeing the general practitioner, the new ER doctor, eye doctor, dentist, and physio therapist. This patient had suffered a stroke and had a frozen left shoulder with limited mobility in the left scapula. Another patient was receiving hand exercises to improve control over finger extension from a stroke he suffered 6 years ago at the age of 24!

After a much needed afternoon rest, we were introduced at the Ashram. The Good Shepherd Rock Solid band played with members singing and dancing. We met all the evangelists. Afterwards, everyone was treated to cake. Stacie and Tara passing out cake.

Pete has met a lot of new friends. They played rock, paper, scissors and Sam (Praveen's son) taught Pete a secret hand shake.

As we have opportunity, let us do good to all people. -Galatians 6:10 (NIV)