Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's been a couple of days since we sent post, but TISI (This is India)! Thursday we had a medical camp at the "Friendly" School. Deb stayed at the Mission (with “GI upsets” - 'nuff said!). I helped Dr Murthy. He taught me to diagnose some problems! Nopea = pain. The people would say "nopea nopea" & point at their heads or legs or arms. There is lots of pain. India is hard on the body. They would say "montha" & rub their stomach or point at their feet. This could possibly be gastric reflux. If feet were a concern, then we would check blood sugar for Diabetes. We saw many people & gave many medicines.

After the medical camp we rested, Linda & I then went to the second VBS church. We worshipped mightily! We prayed for many children, elders of the church and for the success of the church!

On Friday, we shopped at the Steel Store & the Fancy Shop. Debbie was amazed at the traffic, the noise & the monkeys! TISI. The electrical current was out for several hours. We are then so thankful when it comes back on & we praise God! We worked on our Bible Study for a while; Beth Moore provides a good study. We got new clothes from the tailor. Linda's & my chudeedahs (tunic and pants outfit) fit nicely & we looked good (even if we say so ourselves)! Deb was wrapped by Mary in her first ever Sari! She looked like a beautiful Indian woman! Then we preached the Word at the Good Shepherd Ashram. It was a great evening! Many of our old friends were there. Vajeya Grace & Winnie & Minnie all were there. After the service, we all sat in the yard by the porch & laughed & talked. Everyone had to see Debbie's electronic Kindle Bible. Henry & Praveen really like it. Vajeya Grace sat with Linda & me and asked about all her friends in Missouri...Pastor Scott, Sis Jeanette & Bro Dean and the children, Sis Susie, Sara & Bro Thom. We have made many friends here at Good Shepherd Mission. We have strong prayer partners reaching around the world.

Finally, it is Saturday. We started slowly again with Bible Study, lots of good discussion. We will have to finish when we get home! We shopped at the Silver Shop for anklets & toe rings. You never get enough toe rings. Anitha told us how to wear the toe rings if you are married or unmarried, so we are good to go! The current was off when we returned to the mission & was off for at least 2 hours. Just when we thought we could not stand it anymore, God sent the rain & cool wind to care for us until the current returned. Please know that as we have tried to explain what we have been doing & even a little of how it has affected us, we are sure we are where we are supposed to be, doing what we are supposed to do! God is richly blessing us!

Isaiah 40:31
…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength
They will soar on wings like eagles
They will run & not grow weary
They will walk & not be faint.