Sunday, February 20, 2011

Today was so rich with detail, but I will attempt to be brief. Pastor Stacie woke up sick in the middle of the night. We gathered around her in prayer and she went back to sleep. In the morning she felt a little better and decided to do the two morning baptisms.  They were a husband and wife. To my knowledge, the man was a prominent member of society and involved politically. He gave the testimony of how he was involved in black magic for over 35 years until the Lord gripped his heart. His wife was more hesitant, but with time the truth of the gospel washed over her soul. What an amazing event to be a part of.

After the ceremony, we loaded into the van and were off to a church in Nigara. Pastor Stacie, who was planning to preach, stayed behind which meant that our 20 minute drive to the church involved writing a quick message in 20 minutes that was supposed to be 20 minutes long. I've probably never written so much so fast, or found the scriptures I was looking for so quickly. God is amazing. The church was lined with mats and was fully packed save a narrow aisle down the center. We were seated behind the pulpit and the service began. Dee and Sue led a few songs with hand motions that made a few of the church attendees giggle in embarrassment. Soon they warmed up, and loosened up, enough to sing along. Bonnie, Diann and I spoke while Praveen translated for us. After I finished speaking, Henry told me that he had been preparing to speak on that same topic (Difficulty). It is amazing how God aligns two minds to get his message across.  The service was followed by prayer time. These people are desperate for prayer. They will wait in line until you lay your hand on their head and pray for them.
Back at the mission we had he opportunity to experience and serve lunch to the orphans and other men and women at the mission. GSM (Good Shepherd Mission) serves about 250 people 3 meals per day. It is overwhelming to be there, watching them sit in button row lines on the floor of the ashram, and to feed them. In honor of our presence everyone was given a special treat: vanilla ice-cream.
Tara with 3 girls at GSM
We had free time after lunch which meant Tara, Dee, Sue, and I were looking for the kids so that we could beg them to play with us. It didn't take too much coaxing. A few hours and 50 games, a puppet show, yoyo lesson, juggling, and a few games later we were back in our room sighing relief in the cooler air. There is no heat like the Indian sun and summer isn't even here yet!
Soon it was time for yet another trip. This time to the GSM's aids clinic about 1 mile away which drove more like two. While we were there we dedicated a prayer garden at the clinic and pastor Stacie performed about 20 more baptisms in the garden's pool. Beyond the pool is a statue of Jesus and the man he healed in Bethesda. Praveen said that the importance of this statue is that many people in India can't read and have no access to God's word. They want this to be a place where people can come with their needs and find their savior in Christ. The statues tell a story for the Indian people.
My heart nearly melted when a little boy (who I later learned is an HIV patient) got up to pray for our team. He couldn't had been more than 3 yrs old, but boldly stepped up to the microphone and gave a long prayer in our honor. Praveen told me that they would often find this little boy sitting by the pool alone and praying for people. He was baptized tonight along with the others and each received a new bible in their native tongue, and enjoyed their first communion together.

It was a full day with much more to come in the morning. Tomorrow we leave for kolladam (a 3 hour drive) to visit GSM's boys home and give vaccinations in the village. We will not return until the evening. Pray for safe travels and God's glory!

In Him, through Him, and all to Him,
India '11
"for an angel of the Lord went down at certain seasons into the pool and stirred up the water; whoever then first, after the stirring up of the water, stepped in was made well from whatever disease with which he was afflicted"  John 5:4