Saturday, June 11, 2011

News from the Traveling Team

Dr. Maureen Raffensperger leads a team of three physical therapist assistant students to complete their final clinicals in the field at Good Shepherd Mission.  The team arrived safely on Thursday night and is busy working.  Maureen reports :

"A team of seven PTs, PTAs and student PTAs from Missouri Western arrived Wednesday night to Good Shepherd Mission. After a brief nap, we were up and running (mostly!) and evaluated and treated 12 patients. Praise God!! Brother Henry has advertised "free physical therapy" in the local newspaper, so we expect to be VERY busy from today forward. The physical therapy department has moved into the old maternity building, and is very spacious and nicely equipped.
We were welcomed in traditional Indian fashion with flower leis everywhere we went. The team got a taste of fresh mangos, with lessons from Henry on how to eat them "Indian style".
So far the patients are diverse, everything from young children to very old with a lot of variety in complaints. We are learning to communicate in one of the most difficult settings, due to the language and cultural barriers. We are hopeful for this experience to to be enlightening...socially, educationally, culturally and spiritually" 
Pictures below of their arrival.  More to follow in the next few weeks as they travel and serve and learn together about our friends in India.