Saturday, January 17, 2009

Update (with more to follow)

The team has been very busy the last two days. It is Sunday morning in Puttur - about 6:00 AM and after they attend service we will hear more about Friday night to Sunday. Friday night Good Shepherd Mission holds a worship service in the Ashram on the mission campus. It is broadcost over the loudspeakers to the village of Puttur. On Saturday the team did a medical camp at a school. The women in this picture are waiting in line to see a physician.

The Good Shepherd staff works very hard during a mission trip. The men in this pictures are (left to right) Henry's brother Vijay, Bala the driver who grew up at the mission, Velu, also a driver who grew up at the mission, Anand, Henry's brother and Sagar, Henry's son-in-law.