Monday, January 12, 2009

Word from the Field

Just received word that the team is doing fine - all are fine and they are being fed very well. The medical clinic yesterday administered 60 vaccinations for children, plus the many people who were seen by physicians for their concerns. The team had a welcoming service from the chidren last evening and they handed out cake as a treat to all the kids. Then their first full night's sleep, though our field reporter was up early because of Henry's 5:00 AM prayers over the loudspeaker. Evidently the Mausolfs slept right through. They are off to a village in a few hours for another medical camp. More will be posted as I receive word.
It gave me great joy to have some believers come and testify to your faithfulness to the truth, telling how you continue to walk in it. 3 John 1:3 (TNIV)