Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ready for Church

Kayleen "I think what I'll remember most about India is the scenary. The sky is expansive and blue, and although I can't see the sun, it's making its presence known in the little streams of water running down my face and back. The land, a rich mixture of greens and browns, is very flat but near and far it rises abruptly to form mountains, rolling and climbing to touch the sky. The mountains here beg me to come explore them, but it is the people who capture your heart. Their big eyes, the look on their face when they see so many white people, the women's colorful sarees--no two alike - but most of all, the beautiful smiles that quickly light up the children's brown faces when you smile and say hello. That is the picture of India that I see now and will carry with me."

Paul wrote, "We who are strong in the faith ought to help the weak to carry their burdens." -Romans 15:1 (TEV)