Friday, January 23, 2009

On the Way Home

This is the reception area of Good Shepherd hospital. On the patio and driveway out front, the entire Good Shepherd family gave the team a talent show Thursday night, followed by a meal given by the team in thanks for all their hard work and care during the two weeks. The team served 350 people, with the preparations taking most of the day.

Praveen's wife, Anita, does beautiful handwork. She decorated the team mission shirts by hand for all the team members. Ashley chose to have her hands designed with henna by the mission children.
The team left for Chennai Friday morning and spent the day in the city. Picture transmissions were limited so these few are posted with more to follow as a wrap up on their return Saturday evening.
In Chennai, they went to St. Thomas' mount. The Apostle Thomas traditionally was martyred in Chennai. They saw the Bay of Bengal and the Indian ocean and did a little shopping. They planned to eat at Pizza Hut (yes, Pizza Hut) before going to the airport. At the airport many of the other Good Shepherd staff and family arrived to see them off. Their flight left two hours ago for London.

This picture is of the VBS church in Gavindapalem, dedicated in July 2008, taken from the top of the little mountain on the morning hike. Please pray for our team as they make their way home.

For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. Colossians 1:16 (TNIV)