Thursday, January 22, 2009

Preparing to depart

It is Friday morning in Puttur and the team is packing and getting ready to spend the day in Chennai before going to the airport late evening. Thursday was spent doing a little more touring to a waterfall and then the afternoon preparing and serving a meal to the entire Good Shepherd family. This was followed by a talent show - kids and adults alike. The photos have not come through yet but the following are a few pictures of friends and Puttur.

Henry's son Praveen is shown here with his wife, Anita and son Sam. On the right is the flower vendor in Puttur. Those garlands are a sign of honor and welcome wherever the team has gone. The bicycles are part of life in India and this street scene is in Puttur, where Dean says they did their best to keep the "economy ticking" when they had time for shopping. Paul, who grew up at the mission and is an integral part of helping in every way at Good Shepherd, is cooking for the feast served on Thursday night. Reese is walking back to the mission after the hike and a friend tags along. So many moments shared by the team and the Good Shepherd family. These pictures represent only a tiny portion of what we will hear when they return Saturday.